Wednesday 12 March 2014

C&S 3 Day 1: Layered Butterfly - NEVER again

Hello Crafters,

today, all my ideas seem to be terribly time-consuming... I pulled out my butterfly die once again. I've had much trouble with it before, it doesn't cut properly without a shim, and unfortunately I still don't have one. I make do with cardstock, but it's still not working perfectly.

Not the best conditions for paper piecing the butterfly, right? So I thought, but the butterfly wasn't what caused all the trouble. The Happy die did not cut as nicely as usually - the thin bit of printer paper that held the other die cuts in place was just a bit too much, so I had trouble to get out the pieces.

And the most stupid idea of the day: Piecing the Happy together in two colors... I totally messed up the first P, please don't enlarge the picture.I tried to cover it a bit with white gel pen, but it's still quite visible.

Except for that flaw, I am quite ok with the result. The green cardstock was created with green, blue, yellow and gold Gelatos and Gesso and has a little shimmer to it, which the foto doesn't show.

Well, off to bed, it's half past 1 am, I had never planned to stay up that long.

Sleep tight

P.S. This  time I created no matching envelop, if ever I send that card, it'll have to be a plain white envelop.


  1. Your butterfly truly looks amazing, and was well worth all that hard work. I've got a metal shim and always forget to use it, mostly the bigshot seems to cut everything first pass. Isn't this class a blast!

    1. It is, I only wish I had so much more time... But during the week it's difficult. I hope I'll make it to my craftdesk on the week end. The weather will be perfect for it: rain...


  2. I feel sorry for you... but the card looks fabulous!! :-)
