as promised a few days ago, I'd like to introduce you to my two cats today.

She hates beeing touched on the feet and belly, and will bite if you do so. And she seems to dislike men, which is the reason why she and my ex never trusted each other much. She bit him one too many times, I guess. So she picked me for "her" human from the start, and with me she's such a lovely cuddly darling. When I work at my desk (I work from homeoffice a lot) she likes to sit on my lap, preferrably wrapped in a blanked with me and purrs all day long. On all other occasions, she hates the feeling of beeing trapped or enclosed, so she would never ever sleep under the sheets like Smokey used to do. But she likes to sleep on my belly or right beside me, touching my arm or shoulder.
She and Smokey were never very attached to each other, but after Smokey's death she seemed rather lonely, wanting to be stroked all day, therefore we decided to find another cat.

When she moved in, she hid under the tile stove (I never knew there was anything to hide under there) for a whole day, before I was able to coax her out with some food and close the entrance. Then I talked to her softly and tried to make her come to me and though I never really expected that to work, it did. She came to me, rubbed her head on my hand and switched on purring. After that the ice was broken and we spent half the night cuddling and exploring the room. By the next morning she'd found a new hiding place, but she wasn't so scared any more and would leave it to play.
We took some time, to introduce her to Phoebe slowly, but they did quite well. Both still spit at each other, if they come to close, but they hardly ever fight. Except when Nala tries to catch Phoebe's tail, Phoebe really doesn't appreciate that.
By now, Nala has pretty much conquered the place, and plays the little devil, breaking things, creating a mess, stealing food. But hey, we knew what we gambled for, she's a lively young cat and we love her with all her faults and virtues.
So, that's it for now, no cards today. My girls will be back from their grandparents soon, and then we'll all have visitors in the afternoon, so I really should get some work done now.
Have a great day
Great cats! I have a home-like tortie cat, called Nice. It is very possessive:-)