Wednesday 13 November 2019

CASEing Cactus

Hi Crafters,

how are you doing?
Did I say "all will be well" last week? Turned out there was still another blow to come: my car needs expensive repairs, that ruined my week-end quite a bit and I wasn't much in a mood to create.

But I have recovered from the lack of motivation and created a card last night.

To overcome the block, I remembered this card I loved a lot, that created years ago and decided to use the same concept again.

It was actually a CASE itself, at the time there was a challenge to CAS(e) the Design team of create a smile.

 I really loved how my chameleon turned out, so I decided to re-create it with a different stamp and sentiment. So here is my new take on it:

I like the first attempt better, I think I should have used smaller stamp. The way it is, it's mostly just cups of the muted images.

Lots of love


  1. Die Idee zu diesen Karten ist einfach großartig und mir gefallen beide richtig gut. Mich stört der etwas größere Stempel gar nicht. Also, super gelungen!!
    LG Gundi

  2. Both cards are wonderful. Great job CASEing your own card.
    Sorry about the car troubles. Sending hugs and good wishes your way.
