Sunday 20 April 2014

More doodles and watercolors

Hello Crafters,

my little virus knocked me off my feet for almost a week, but now I am fine again.

I created another doodle card when I was ill, because it was the only thing I felt up to, I practically lived in bed for several days, unable to read, sleep properly or do anything usefull.

Here it is:

And I will probably do a few more during the next week, because we are visiting my parents. I naturally can't take much supplies there, but some paper and a black pen will surely do me some good.

I'd also like to show you a watercolor card I painted for my daughters. They need new bikes this year, the old ones are too small now. So we decided to give them the bikes as easter gift. A bit much for easter, you might say,  but we'd need to buy bikes anyway, and by the time the girls have their birthday, the summer is half over...

As we wanted the girls to be able to chose, so we decided on a gift card:

I had a bit of a hard time, drawing a  bike, until I decided to check the Internet for a reference. That helped a lot to get it right, and the good thing about watercolor is, that it needn't be too realistic...  I am pretty proud how it turned out.

Happy easter

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ela. I think I will take that card class. It seems opportune. I also won't have much time, but I seldom do with those classes. And you can always go back to them later.
